Assessment of the Patient with Dysphagia – Sunday, July 7th, 2024, 3:00 pm – 8:00 pm ET


Course Description

Course Description:

When performing an assessment of the patient with dysphagia, a chart review is critical to collect relevant information and identify red flags. By knowing how disorders progress and impact each phase of swallow, patient deficits can be better understood. Also, there are certain evaluation tools which provide clinicians the details needed to document a deficit. Furthermore, COVID-19 has changed the process of evaluations as clinicians try to minimize risks to their patients and themselves. Some screens are aerosol generating while others are not. Therefore, consideration must be given into what may be aerosol generating in the evaluation. As always, the clinician's job is to educate the patient and family about dysphagia as well as any recommendations for diet/liquid modification, swallow strategies, and the importance of compliance. When a patient and/or family refuses to accept the results, waivers are not the best option. Utilizing EDAR and Care Planning for Resident Choice provides patients with choices when they opt out of treatment recommendations.

Contact Hours: 5
Webinar Course Format: Webinar
Target Audience:
Instructional Level: Intermediate